1. If you have to check godoc offline, you could install gdoc go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc and then run godoc -http :8001 in termilal.

  2. Go consider the main() function the entry point to the application and begins the execution of the applicaiton with the code found in the main() function of the main package.

  3. Everything that begins with a lowercase letter is considered private and is accessible in the current package only.

  4. If no initial value is given to a variable, the Go compiler will automatically initialize that variable to the zero value of its data type.

  5. The var keyword is mostly used for declaring global or local variables without an initial value. Since every statement that exists outside of the code of a function must begin with a keywoprd such as func, const or var, you can’t use short assignment statement := outside of the function.

  6. The os.Args string slice is properly initialized by Go and is available to the program when referenced.